Thursday, January 12, 2006

USA Keith and USA Eric Indicted

The Times Online
By Frederiqe Slongswad and Agencies

Arrest warrants have been issued for American amateur bloggers USA Keith and USA Eric for flagrant violations of the “Anti-Fouling a Quaint Little Blog Act of 2006” which was recently passed by Parliament. In a statement made Thursday, Sir Michael Bichard said, “No more will these cheeky yanks cock-up perfectly wonderful blogs by British-Loving Policemen from Ohio.” SirBichard added that he would try to ensure a closer alignment between the register of sex offenders and List 69, the official blacklist of people barred from blogging in England.

“I mean really,” said Sir Bichard, “Those two seemed to delight in taking the piss out of poor Mike. Their writing is manky, and no Englishman should ever be subjected to it again.”

When asked for comment, USA Keith could only reply, “We just missed Mike, that’s all.” USA Eric; however, said, “We just wanted to stand up for a world where people think it feels icky to have cold water sprayed on their holes and where it’s ok to drink beer brewed from rice with a three inch head on it. That’s all. Was that so wrong?"


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